Listen: "I'm Egypt And I Used To Be Great" Song اغنية حميد الشاعرى وعلاء عبدالخالق - انا مصر | جديد 2013


This is a song about history and how awesome Egypt used to be back then. It was a good idea to bring two singers who come form the past when they also used to be so great...Hamid El Shari and Ala Abdel Khaliq. The duo who kicked butt in the eighties.

Their song is heartfelt and hits where it hurts, it's like they are writing an obituary for the motherland, I loved these two guys when I was younger, it must have been a great deal to bring them back together for this song project. There's one more voice that was unaccredited in this song, Mostafa Shawki

I must admit, Egyptian will find a rallying cry in this song, it's c all for unity...all parties love Egypt...they just do not know that about one another. Hamid and the other singers released this song that speaks unity about all parts of Egypt from East to West, from North to South and from coast to valley...everyone is mentioned and they all make Egypt with all its odd characters.

حميد الشاعري وعلاء عبد الخالق ومصطفى شوقي -انا مصر

حميد الشاعري وعلاء عبد الخالق ومصطفى شوقي - أنا مصر

اغنية حميد الشاعرى وعلاء عبدالخالق - انا مصر | جديد

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