Marketing is a bitch, and for a boy band, they need all the help they can get. Playing the sexual ambiguity game so appeal to more people. Gay, straight, confused and what's not. WE have always known that the boys of One Direction has always been open about their open flirtation with each other and the idea that they are, in fact, boy band members who have sex with boy band members. Denials be damned, "Kiss You" is their most bromantic offering yet.

One Direction fans who aren't swooning tweens approach this game of Spot the Gay as a sport. Entire Tumblrs are devoted to sniffing out and reporting signs of their intergroup gayness. What makes One Direction beautiful is what makes them seem gay. Weather they are gay will remain a mystery until One Direction goes away, we will find out. But they might be seeking to please their gay fans who happen to love the same things tween girls like.
Per Gwaker
- They are extremely affectionate Terribly affectionate. I mean, it's crazy, the loving strokes, the cuddling, the humping, the nuzzling, the wrestling.
- In the press room of some awards show, they were asked which of their fellow attendees they would snog (that means "tongue kiss" in American) and Liam Payne shouted, "Not a woman!" They also sometimes discuss how much they would like to marry and/or date each other.
- Harry Styles was spotted last year at a gay party at New York's Le Bain.
- Zayn and Louis think Niall Horan is cute.
- They habitually grab each other's crotches. Says Niall, "Harry's got some next level crotch. He's got some crotch bulge going on there." Zayn enthuses, "We do it when we're taking photos. We make each other laugh, grabbing each other's bums."
- Even though these "POWER BOTTOM" T-shirts are Photoshopped on the boys, Louis and Zayn look very natural in them.
I do not think they are gay, maybe one of them is, but I blame marketing on this. It pays to be the dream of gays and straights alike. In their personal lives, they might be pious people who are conservative at him, but when they wear the One Direction persona, they have to play by the band rules.
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