Melhem Barakat Talks Sh*t On #Egypt


The moody and brutally honest Lebanese composer Melhem Barakat has never disappointed in alienating people and insulting friends. Last year, he criticized one of Arabia's brightest diva's Magida El Roumi for not featuring the song he composed for her--it was included on the first track of the album. Months later, he was in a concert and used a very dirty word live on stage to insult the drummer in his band (see here).

This time the gifted and obnoxious composer aims low, he is out sending Egypt's entertainment industry insults, speaking to a Kuwait publication "El Raei" among the gems:

  1. Lebanese singers should be banned from singing Egyptian pop songs, the minister of media should enforce this band
  2. The love of Egyptians is not worth nothing, most of my money  I made in concerts in Syria, Jordan and the Gulf--not even one concert in Egypt.
  3. Egyptians biggest priority is to fight off ant successful Lebanese singer.
  4. Egyptian media TV, radio and online publications hardly air any Lebanese songs, and they only air what the Lebanese singer sang in the Egyptian dialect.  
Those allegations come from a guy with temperament issues, a man who has lost his bearing. Ask Fayrouz, Sabah, Wadie El Safie, and more recently Wael Kfoury, Ragheb Alama, Wael Jassar, Elissa, Nancy Ajram and many many more names.

Those are self centered comments from a guy who thinks the entire universe rotates around his work and his persona. I do not deny that there are some names in Egypt who insist on celebrating the success of the Egyptian entertainers, but Egypt has always been warm toward artists form Lebanon and other Arab countries. 

melhem barakat - jet bwatak

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